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Poroshad Mahdi

Poroshad Mahdi
  • 1921122
  • 1921123
  • 1921124

Poroshad Mahdi

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4711 Yonge Street, 10th Floor Toronto
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M2N 6K8

Poroshad Mahdi


Mahdi Leite Family Law LLP is dedicated to the practice of family law. Our law firm’s goal is to advance your best interests by protecting your rights and pursuing your entitlements. Our approach is entirely client focused. We are here to assist you in all areas of family law through negotiation, mediation, and court proceedings. Whether you are seeking a cohabitation or marriage contract to protect your future, seeking a divorce or require guidance in custody, access or support matters, we have the experience, the knowledge, and the legal team to serve you. At Mahdi Leite Family Law LLP, we have the legal acumen to assess your concerns and determine the best path forward. There is a time to negotiate and there is a time to litigate. As your family law lawyers, we will advise which course of action is necessary at each step. As your family law lawyers, we are open to all of your questions and will suggest the legal path that is most suitable for you. At Mahdi Leite Family Law LLP we are committed to our clients. We understand the difficult time you are going through. We understand the complex choices you face. Together we will work in an empathetic, cost-effective and efficient manner to achieve the outcome you seek.



Practice Area


Separation Agreement

Assuming the parties have agreed to a final resolution of all matters between them, the parties may sign a final Separation Agreement....


Marriage Contracts

No one enters a marriage in the hopes of divorcing. Cohabitation Agreements and Marriage Contracts are akin to disability insurance: people do not purchase...


Alternative Resolutions

Assuming the parties have agreed to a final resolution of all matters between them, the parties may sign a final Separation Agreement....


Divorce & Separation

The first sign of a soured marriage is talk of divorce. Like marriage, divorce can be an unpredictable roller coaster with many ups and downs...


Spousal Support | Alimony

Spousal support, sometimes referred to as alimony, is perhaps the murkiest area of family law. It is fraught with emotion and case law...


Custody & Access

All issues regarding the children must be determined by what is in their best interests. Family law is governed by this, first and foremost...


Child Support

Child support is considered to be the right of the child and is perhaps the only definite area in family law...

Divorcing Dentists

Mental Health Issues

Substance abuse and addiction affect not just the addict. They also affect the spouse and the children...

Divorcing Physicians

Wills & Estates

Family law extends beyond what occurs if parties separate. Family law extends to what happens to the surviving...

Divorcing Physicians

Division of Property

This legislation only applies to married individuals. People who are not marriage – i.e. common law – ordinarily would be forced to...

Divorcing Physicians


Sometimes, it is necessary to commence a court action. If one spouse commences a court action, then the other spouse has no choice...

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لیست وکلای دعاوی خانواده در تورنتو

لیست وکلای خانواده در تورنتو

فهرست وکلای ایرانی خانواده در تورنتو

لیستی از وکلای خانواده در تورنتو

وکیل ایرانی امور خانواده در تورنتو

وکیل حقوق خانواده در تورنتو

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وکیل دعاوی خانواده در تورنتو

موفق ترین وکیل ایرانی طلاق در کانادا

وکیل طلاق ایرانی در کانادا

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وکیل طلاق پزشکان در کانادا

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وکیل حضانت فرزندان در کانادا

وکیل امور خشونت خانوادگی در کانادا

وکیل دعاوی خانواده در کانادا

لیست وکلای دعاوی خانواده در کانادا

لیست وکلای خانواده در کانادا

فهرست وکلای ایرانی خانواده در کانادا

لیستی از وکلای خانواده در کانادا

وکیل ایرانی امور خانواده در کانادا

وکیل حقوق خانواده در کانادا

وکیل تقسیم اموال بعد از طلاق در کانادا

وکیل فارسی زبان خانواده و طلاق در کانادا

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وکیل ایرانی طلاق در کانادا

وکیل ایرانی خانواده در کانادا

وکیل طلاق در کانادا

وکیل خانواده کانادا

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وکیل خانواده در تورنتو

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